Characteristics Model of Direct Learning

Characteristics Model of Direct Learning – One of the characteristics of a learning model is the presence of syntax or stages of learning. In addition, teachers will use direct learning model must also consider other environmental variables, namely the academic focus, direction and control of teachers, high expectations for student progress, time, and the neutral impact of learning. Academic focus is defined as the selection of priority tasks that must be students, during learning, academic activities should be emphasized.

Direction and control of teachers occurs when teachers chose tasks students and implement learning, define a group, serve as a learning resource for learning, and minimize non-academic activities among students. Learning activities directed at achieving goals that teachers have high expectations of the tasks that must be implemented by the students. Thus the direct learning is to optimize the use of time. Syntax direct learning model by Bruce and Weil (1996:349) is as follows.

  1. Orientation. Before presenting and explaining new material, will greatly help the students if the teacher gives a lesson framework and orientation of the material to be delivered. The form orientation can be: a) preliminary activities to determine the knowledge relevant to the students of knowledge, b) discuss or inform the learning objectives; c) provide an explanation / direction on activities to be performed; d) inform the content / concepts to be used and activities to be conducted during the learning, and e) inform the framework of the lesson.
  2. Presentation. In this phase, the teacher can present the subject matter either in the form of concepts and skills. Presentation materials can be: an active, effective and fun a) the presentation of material in small steps so that students can master the material in a relatively short time; b) giving examples of the concept; c) modeling or demonstration of skills by way of demonstration or explanation of the work steps of the task; d) avoid disgresi; e) describes the re-those things are difficult.
  3. Structured of exercises. In this phase the teacher guides the students to do exercises. The role of teachers is important in this phase is to provide feedback on student responses and provide reinforcement to correct student responses and correcting students’ wrong responses.
  4. Guided Exercise. In this phase, the teacher gives students the chance to practice the concept or skill. Guided exercises are good also used by teachers to assess students’ ability to do its job. In this phase the teacher’s role is to monitor and provide guidance if needed.
  5. Exercises independent. In this phase, students conduct independent exercises, this phase can be passed if the student has mastered the stages of task execution guidance of 85-90% in a phase of training.

Borich suggested syntax directly following learning

  1. Daily Review – Checking last job –  Redirects
  2. Presentation of new material – Provide general view – Describe the specific steps
  3. Guiding students’ activities – Provide affirmation – Provide specific feedback –  Check for understanding  – Continuing activities
  4. Provide correction and feedback – Provide correction – Provide feedback
  5. Provides free practice
  6. Review weekly and monthly

Slavin proposed seven steps in learning the syntax right, is as follows.

  1. Informing the learning objectives and orientation lessons to the students. In this phase the teacher informs the things that must be learned and the expected student performance.
  2. Reviewing prerequisite knowledge and skills. In this phase the teacher asked a question to reveal the knowledge and skills students have mastered.
  3. Convey the subject matter. In this phase, the teachers convey the material, presenting information, giving examples; demonstrate the concept and so on.
  4. Implement the guidance, by asking questions to assess students’ level of understanding and correct misconceptions.
  5. Provide opportunities for students to practice. In this phase, the teacher gives students the chance to practice the skill or the use of new information individually or in groups.
  6. Assessing student performance and provide feedback. Reviews the teacher gives to things that have made the students, giving feedback on students’ responses are correct and repeat if necessary skill.
  7. Provide independent practice. In this phase, the teacher can give assignments to students to enhance self-understanding of the material they have learned. Based on the above syntax, the direct learning model prioritizes deductive approach, with emphasis on learning the concepts and motor skills. Seem more structured learning atmosphere with a more dominant role of the teacher. Characteristics Model of Direct Learning

6 Basic Key of Contextual Learning

6 Basic Key of Contextual Learning – The Northwest Regional Education Laboratory, USA identified six basic keys that determine the quality of learning contextual, namely:

Learning significant. In meaningful learning, comprehension, relevance and personal assessment is strongly associated with student interest in learning the subject matter content. Learning to be especially related to real life or students understand the benefits of learning content, if they feel concerned to learn for life in the future.

Application of knowledge. If students understand what is learned then the student gets to apply them in the order of life.

Thinking a high level. Students are required to think critically in data collection, understanding the issues and solving a problem.

The curriculum was developed according to standards of learning content standards must be linked with local, national and development of science and technology and the world of work.

Responsive to the cultural. Teachers must understand and respect the values, beliefs, and habits of students, fellow teachers and the community where he educates. There are at least four perspectives must be considered that individual students, groups of students, school structure and social order.

Authentic Assessment. A variety of assessment strategies are used to determine the actual student learning outcomes include: assessment of students’ projects and activities, and observation guides in addition to giving students the chance to actively assess their own learning. 6 Basic Key of Contextual Learning.


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Main Principles of Quantum Teaching

Main Principles of Quantum Teaching – The principle can mean (1) rules of action or actions that are accepted or known, and (2) a law, axioms, or fundamental doctrines. Quantum Learning is also built on the rule of action, laws, axioms, or fundamental doctrines of the learning and learners.

At least there are three kinds of principles that establish the figure of quantum learning. The third key principle is as follows.

  1. The main principle of learning quantum states: Bring the World They (learners) into Our World (Lecturer) and the World We Deliver (Lecturer) in the World They (the learners). Each form of interaction with learners, each design curriculum, and each method of learning should be built on the main principles. That principle requires teachers to enter the world of the learner as the first step of learning while also requires teachers to build bridges into the lives of learners authentic. To that end, teachers can take advantage of the experiences that learners have as his starting point. In this way the teacher will easily learning the learners in the form of lead, accompany and facilitate the learners’ awareness and knowledge to a wider audience. If it can be implemented, then both the learner and the learner will gain a new understanding. In addition to expanded learner means the world, this also means that the teaching be expanded. This is where our world into the world together teachers and learners. This is the dynamics of human learning as a learner.
  2. In quantum learning also applies the principle that learning is a symphony orchestra play. In addition to having a song or score, the sport this symphony has the basic chord structure. The basic structure of this chord could be called the basic principles of quantum learning. These basic principles are the following five kinds : Know that Everything is Talking; Know that Everything aims; Be aware that the experience Preceding Naming; Admit Any Business Conducted in Learning; Be aware that the Learned Something Worthy Celebrated,
  3. In quantum learning also applies the principle that learning should be an impact on the formation of excellence. In other words, learning needs to be interpreted as the formation of excellence. Therefore, this advantage has even been seen as the heart of the foundations of quantum learning. There are eight principles of excellence – which is also called the eight keys of excellence – which is believed to be in a quantum learning. Eight key advantages as follows : Apply Living in Integrity; Acknowledge Failure Can Bring Success; Talk with Good Intentions; Affirm Commitment; Be Owner; Keep Bending; Keep the Balance. Main Principles of Quantum Teaching

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Components of CTL Learning

Components of CTL Learning – Contextual learning has seven main components as follows:

  1. Constructivism. One of the theoretical foundations of modern education, including CTL is constructivism learning theory. This approach basically emphasizes the importance of students construct their knowledge through active involvement of the learning process. Teaching and learning process is more marked than teacher centered student centered. Most of the time teaching and learning process based on the activity takes place with students. Inquiry based learning and problem based learning as a strategy called colored CTL student centered and student activities. Vygotsky Another theory says that students learn best when concepts are concepts in the development of nearby areas or zones of proximal development of students. Regional development is the closest a little above the level of development of one’s current level of development. Person’s current level of development is none other than the initial level of knowledge or base knowledge it has been mastered. Then it will presumably occur meaningful learning, but if the knowledge of rote learning is boring and does not motivate students, if teaching and learning process is continuous progress from year to year, it is likely that many students who do not like the eyes physics lesson. Meaningful learning is the same as one indicator of the quality of CTL. Constructivism (constructivism) is the foundation of thinking (philosophy) a contextual approach, that human knowledge is built by little by little; the result is expanded through a limited context and does not suddenly. Knowledge is not a set of facts, concepts, or rules that are ready to be picked up and remembered. Humans have to construct knowledge and meaning through the experience of real members. The cornerstone think constructivism is rather different from the objectivist view, a greater emphasis on learning outcomes. In view of constructivism strategies to obtain an advantage compared to how much students gain knowledge and recall. To that end, the task of the teacher is to facilitate the process by: a). Making knowledge meaningful and relevant for students b) Member chance at student to found and implement their own ideas c) Awaken students to apply their own strategies in learning.
  2. Inquiry. Such an inquiry is a core part of the contextual-based learning activities. Knowledge and skills students are expected to be obtained is not the result given set of facts, but the result of finding himself. Teachers should always design activities refer to activities that discovery something, any material that is taught. Inquiry cycle consists of: observation, questioning, hypothesis, data gathering, and conclusion. Step-by-step inquiry activities are as follows: a) Formulate the problem b) Observed or observation c) Analyzing and presenting results in writing, drawings, reports, charts, tables, and other works d) Communicating or presenting the work on the reader, classmates, teachers or other audiences.
  3. Questioning. Knowledge a person has always begins with asking. Asking questions is the main strategy contextually based. Asked the teacher learning is seen as an activity shopped encouraging, guiding, and assessing students’ thinking abilities. For students, the activities asks an important part in implementing inquiry-based learning, which recognize the information, confirm what is already known, and directs attention to aspects of the unknown. In a productive learning, the activities ask helpful for: a) Digging of information, both administrative and academic b) Check students’ understanding c) Generating a response to student d) Knowing the extent to which students’ curiosity e) Knowing the things that students already know f) focus the attention of teachers students to something to be desired g) Generating more inquiries from students h) Refresh the students’ knowledge
  4. Learning Community. The concept of community learning suggests that learning outcomes gained from cooperation with others. When a child just learning to measure angles using a protractor so he asked his friend. Then his friend who was able to show how to use that tool. Then the two children have formed a learning society.
  5. Modeling. In a learning particular skills or knowledge, there are models that can be emulated by the students, such as teacher modeling the steps how to make use / read a protractor with a demonstration before the students perform a particular task.
  6. Reflection.  Reflection is a way of thinking about what the newly learned or think back about what we’ve done in previous days. Students learned what he had put forward as a new knowledge structure, which is revision of previous knowledge. Reflection is a response to events, activities or knowledge that is received. Newly acquired significant knowledge of the process, the knowledge students have expanded through a learning context which is then expanded little by little. Teachers help students make connections between prior knowledge with new knowledge. That way, students feel they are receiving something useful for him about what he had learned. The key to all knowledge that is how it settles in the minds of students. Students record what they have learned and how to feel new ideas. At the end of learning, teachers leaving time for students to reflect for a moment. Realization in the form: a) a direct statement about what is gained that day b) Notes or journal in the student book c) Look and advice on learning today’s students d) Discussion e) The work
  7. Authentic assessment. Assessment is the process of collecting various data that can give you a progression of student learning. Picture of the development of students’ learning needs to be known by teachers in order to ensure that students have learned through properly. If the data collected indicates that the student teacher in a stalemate in learning, then teachers can immediately take appropriate measures so that students learn to be free of congestion. Since the description of the progress of learning is required throughout the learning process, then the assessment is not done in the last of teaching period as in evaluation of learning results, but performed together in an integrated (integral) of learning activities. Assessment authentic assesses the knowledge and skills gained students. Appraisers not only teachers, but could also be another friend or someone else. Assessor Characteristic authentic: a) carried out during and after the learning takes place b) Can be used for formative and summative c) The measured skills and performance, rather than remembering facts d) Sustainable e) Integrated f) Can be used as a feed back In CTL. Components of CTL Learning

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